Fasting and Prayer Resource House

Hear The Lord Ministries

Fasting and Prayer Resource House

We critically engage fasting and unhindered flow of fervent and effectual prayers that avails much for the nations in partnership with mission agencies and churches. We equip God’s people on why, how, when, where and what to pray for in order to see the Kingdom of God established here on earth and His will manifested on earth as it is in heaven. This is our breath! Prayer is our life line to God as watchers with God. We release into our world through prayers and intercession the decree of the watchers.

While we thank the Lord for  what He is doing around the world by His Holy Spirit and for that which remains to be manifested, daily prayer, intercessions, supplications and giving of thanks for the unfinished task is at the heart of HLM. Condensed missionary stories, biblical challenges, persecutions, urgent reports, and exciting descriptions of unreached peoples provide rich fuel for our prayers.