Research and Ecofriendly Intergrity Initiatives
Hear The Lord Ministries
Research and Ecofriendly Intergrity Initiatives
HLM Research Initiatives
We advance cutting-edge research to drive evidence-based solutions.
Across the globe, HLM personnel undertakes cutting edge research to address complex development challenges, informing our practice with evidence-based findings. We believe that experienced practitioners should collaborate with research partners to achieve greater impact, so we partner with higher education and research institutions to collaboratively accelerate our development impact. We invest in advancing academic partnerships and cutting-edge research to drive results.
We support research that can provide evidence that is needed to make informed decisions and be better equipped to disciple nations. Some of our research specializes in community profiling and thematic mapping that transforms raw data into tangibles that can be grasped, discussed, analyzed and plan around. This is an essential for church planters, pastors or missionaries. We help find information about community and mission field, so ministry workers can be better equipped for harvesting souls into God’s kingdom.
HLM Ecofriendly Integrity Initiatives
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. Psalm 24:1. The church of Jesus Christ has a responsibility to care for creation as an expression of his kingdom. This is the responsible stewardship of humankind on the earth for the Lord’s sake. The world is experiencing increasingly severe storms, floods and droughts and we are seeing widespread degradation of the oceans, rivers, soils, forests and atmosphere. These phenomena have led to food and water shortages, destruction of homes and means of livelihood, involuntary migration, disease and death.
With growing population pressures many people have no choice but to live in marginal lands that are particularly vulnerable to these impacts, and to natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We are also seeing large-scale loss of biodiversity in land and marine eco-systems. The earth’s resources are being consumed at unsustainable levels.
Therefore, HLM ecofriendly integrity initiatives gives us opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ in all its fullness with majority world peoples to the glory of God. Our knowledge based natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, land tenure and property rights, environmental management, and climate change adaptation and mitigation has fostered a responsible management of the earth that belong to God through resource management, climate change emphasis, and enhancing sustainable economic growth.